Has a publicly traded company caught your attention? Want to know whether you should invest in the stock? With SASS, you can carry out a comprehensive Fundamental Analysis in minutes. Does the stock display steady growth, or erratic sales and earnings? With SASS, visually SEE how the stock has been doing for up to the past 10 years. Determine whether the stock is on sale, fairly priced, or overvalued.
Do you have an existing stock portfolio? Is your investment still worth holding on to, or is there reason to sell? SASS can visually show you changes in a company's growth trend.
SASS allows you to open .SSG files available from either the National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC) or the Canadian Shareowners Association (CSA), or to enter financial data for a company manually. Once the data is in SASS, (you can view up to 10 years of historical data) you will be presented with tables and graphs which analyze the company's historical performance, and assist you in assessing it's future potential performance. SASS also provides metrics for evaluating the ability of the company to maintain its profitability. You can even omit an anomalous year of past performance if you consider it unrepresentative of the overall trend. Estimate the future price range of the Company, its Reward to Risk ratio, and the possible future return.
Note that beginning with v1.2.0, SASS has gained the ability to download .ssg files DIRECTLY from the NAIC's www.Better-Investing.org website, via a user's Better Investing site registered e-mail and password. NOTE - you must be an NAIC member and subscriber to the Better Investing OPS service (highly recommended). Requires that your computer have access to the Internet.
The unregistered SASS program has Download, Save, Print and built in Help disabled. For a fully functional SASS program please Purchase and Register the program.
SASS is only $69.00 (US). At this price, it's an investment you can't afford to miss. To add this valuable tool to your investment toolbox, visit our web site at www.IntuitecSoftware.com
For the built in html based SASS Help to work, the SASS Help folder must be located at the same level as the SASS program itself. Note that the built in help system is not yet implemented on Linux. Linux (and Mac and Windows) users can refer to the PDF based version of SASS Help, which is identical to the built in html version. NOTE that access to the full help guides are provided only when a user Purchases a serial number. If you are evaluating SASS, refer to the SASS Minihelp document.
* If the title, labels and headings are truncated, go to Control Panels, select Appearance & Themes, select Change the Computer's Theme, and under Themes select Windows Classic.